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Back for 2024

We are only a month away from the Spring Budget and there is…

2023 Budget

Much of the detail had already been leaked by the time Chancellor…

MTD Update: Government Announces more time to Prepare for MTD for ITSA Mandation

Please can I draw your attention to the following Written Ministerial…
R&D Tax Credits | R&D Tax Credits

R&D Tax Credits

Overview R&D is a valuable relief the UK government offers…
Let’s Celebrate!

Let’s Celebrate!

The Jubilee weekend was a true celebration of an incredible lady ...
Regulating the Financial Industry | Regulating the Financial Industry

Regulating the Financial Industry

This month I have been attending further stakeholder meetings with...
Highlights of the Spring Statement | Highlights of the Spring Statement

Highlights of the Spring Statement

While the October Budget included a number of tax increases the Spring ...
Women Who Count, Bookkeeping & Payroll Services in Kent.

What’s Your Story

So hands up who has spent some time over lockdown reading a book on personal development...
Women Who Count, Bookkeeping & Payroll Services in Kent.

The 2021 Budget

This week saw the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, deliver the 2021 Budget...
Women Who Count, Bookkeeping & Payroll Services in Kent.

Self-Worth equals Net Worth

Money is simply an idea; it is a means of exchange....
Women Who Count, Bookkeeping & Payroll Services.

Using business for good, is good for business

I’m writing this on a Friday morning, feeling happy...